

Blackboard is a platform that lets users and admins interact with each other when it is well used. It is not just about a technological cellar of information, and course materials. I mean it is a platform that lets people discuss, communicate through emails and promulgate whatever is required. In terms of discussion, it contains debate boards for collective discussions and podcasts. The admins and the users that I mentioned before are the teachers and students. Teachers can announce whatever they want, and students can see what they need to do. Also, students can send emails to their teachers if they possess questions. In addition to those informative announcements and communication of students and teachers, students can get information about their courses, and again reach to the files of the lessons. Also, after the exams, students can see their exam results. The calendar of Blackboard is filled automatically by the system regarding the users' program. 

According to Jamilah A. Alokluk (2018) efficiency of Blackboard is just about the way users utilize it. What she means is that If a teacher is incompetent in terms of technology, he/she may not use it instrumentally and beneficially, and the platform becomes torture for both students and the teacher as they can not use it properly. I agree with her because if there is an advantage, we exactly need to be able to use it.


Jamilah A. Alokluk (2018) The Effectiveness of Blackboard System, Uses and Limitations in Information Management. Intelligent Information Management, 10, p (135-136).


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